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Multi-Pet Matting Dataset

The "Multi-Pet Matting Dataset" is curated for applications in visual entertainment and financial services, featuring a collection of internet-collected images with resolutions exceeding 1920 x 1280 pixels. This dataset focuses on both contour and semantic segmentation of multiple pet instances within each image, specifically limited to cats and dogs. Each pet instance is saved with an individual matting mask, with the mask granularity refined to the hair-strand level, providing detailed data for creating realistic pet representations and interactions in digital content.




Dataset ID
Dataset Name
Multi-Pet Matting Dataset
Data Type
About About 7k
Data Collection
Internet collected images. Resolution is over 1920 x 1280.
Semantic Segmentation,Contour Segmentation
Annotation Notes
Images contain multiple instances, with each instance saved as an individual mask. Pets are limited to cats and dogs. Each instance's matting mask is output as a single image. Mask granularity: Hair-strand level.
Application Scenarios
Visual Entertainment;Financial

Data Collections

This dataset comprises approximately 7k images, each containing multiple instances of pets, with each pet instance segmented and saved as an individual mask. The high level of detail in the matting masks, down to the hair-strand level, makes this dataset particularly valuable for visual entertainment applications requiring precise pet fur rendering, such as in movies, games, and AR/VR experiences. Additionally, in financial services, this detailed pet segmentation can support innovative pet insurance processing and verification systems, enhancing customer engagement and service personalization.

Quality Assurance

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